Take a short video tour of World Navigator to the right (requires Windows Media Player); or click on any of the thumbnail maps below (and don't worry, when you run World Navigator on your machine, the maps will be the exact size of your screen); or scroll down for a more detailed description of the program.
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Running Time: 1 min. 16 sec.
File Size: 4.88 MB
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What is World Navigator (ER)?       It's a Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000 program on CD-ROM designed for businesses that need attractive, customizable, detailed, royalty free maps for their work.  Click here to view a copy of the actual license agreement that comes with World Navigator (ER).  The program itself draws high fidelity three dimensional topographical, political, satellite, and bathymetric maps from any location and altitude above the earth's surface.  You can view the entire globe, rotating it to any position you wish.  You can  zoom in and draw extremely detailed maps of any place in the world.  User friendly navigation controls enable you to cruise around the world with ease and search our database of over 2.7 million place names. You'll see everything from the entire world down to tiny islands less than a mile across. 

Plus, World Navigator (ER) comes with a powerful suite of graphics tools allowing you to customize the maps by changing the size and color of many of the map components.  It also includes a motion capture feature that allows you to generate a sequence of JPG map images to be used in creating a JPG animation sequence. Read the details in notes (8) through (14) by clicking here.  World Navigator Enterprise Edition (ER) is identical to World Navigator Professional Edition (PR) with the following important difference: ER can be run either stand alone or over a network and comes with a 10 user license agreement (see the product comparison for more details).

How does it work?      Each map that you draw is truly unique, drawn from scratch faster than you can blink your eyes.  It constructs each map using a combination of raster and vector graphics.  What that means is World Navigator first draws a base map and then layers on top of it all the additional features that you've requested like rivers and lakes, boundaries, cities and towns, roads, railroads, airports, place names, and much more.  Take the tour at the top of the page to see some examples of what we mean.

Does World Navigator run off the CD-ROM or the hard drive?      Either.  You can run the program off the cartographic database on the CD-ROM or after you have installed the program and are running it off the database on the CD-ROM, you can select one of the menu items at the top of the screen to easily copy the entire database from the 2 disc set of CD-ROM's to your hard drive. World Navigator will run much faster with the database on your hard drive.  In fact, the database must be copied to your hard drive in order to use the additional satellite database that comes with the Enterprise Edition of World Navigator.

Why is it better than a conventional book atlas?      Primarily because World Navigator allows you to quickly and easily navigate to any spot on the earth and then zoom in and draw maps with incredible details, details unavailable in a printed atlas.   World Navigator has many other features found nowhere else, such as the ability to move the mouse cursor over a map and watch as the elevation of the land (in feet or meters above sea level) or the depth of the ocean under the cursor is continuously displayed on the screen.   It offers the ability to measure the Great Circle distance (the shortest distance between two points on a sphere) between any two points on the earth's surface; and it even offers the ability to measure the distance along any squiggly line you can draw.  Unlike any other print atlas or computer atlas, World Navigator allows you to pick and choose the features you wish to see on your map.  And no more hunting through the index of names in the back of the atlas; you can now simply type in the name of the place for which you're looking and World Navigator will search its database of over 2.7 million place names and draw a map with your selected place name highlighted in the center.

Can I save or print the maps?      Absolutely!  World Navigator will save any map you want to either the Windows clipboard or to a jpg file and even allows you to control the size of the file that it creates.  It also allows you to print any map you want in full color.  Just be sure to follow the guidelines found in the license agreement.

Is World Navigator hard to use?       Not at all.  To start off, all you have to do is depress and hold the left mouse button down and drag the map to wherever you wish to go.  The user interface was designed to enable you to navigate around the world with ease.   World Navigator Help has a quick and painless overview that will get you going in a few minutes.

  World Navigator (ER) System Requirements

◦  PC with Pentium II (or better) class processor
◦  Windows 7 / Vista / XP / 2000
◦  128 MB (or more) of memory (RAM)
◦  10 MB of hard disk space or 790 MB for full install
◦  Double speed (or faster) CD-ROM drive
◦  256 color (or more) SVGA display at  640 x 480
     (or higher) resolution
◦  Mouse or equivalent pointing device



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